During those lonely moments, she would stand before the mirror hung right in front of her and gaze at what she saw. She should be looking at herself right?
But it happens to be a face so different and a personality she can't fathom.
Who could it be?
Why can't she tell?
She is girl, who I have known and studied for two decades yet what I know of her are the very surface just like reading through the synopsis of a book without full in depth knowledge
What does the future hold for her?
What is her purpose in this lifetime?
She is a girl who lives through each day asking these questions without an answer to feed her curious mind. She wants to know if she will be a girl that will toil for mankind and all there is for the world. Yet when she is asked about her dreams— she can't say.
How can she achieve all this?
How does she win this? When she doesn't know who she is.
She is a shadow of herself, hidden and blocked by the shades of ignorance and indirective of the world. She is in a shell wanting to be cracked open yet this covering keeps limiting her dreams for mankind. DREAMS?
If only there was such a thing called a dream to hold onto. It seems like a journey where any bus stop is a destination.
Can she really find purpose?
Will she discover her true self?
She is a girl with no identity; a bearer of no selfhood or individuality. Everyone else seems to have their life all figured out and here she was with everything she thought as right yet wrong.
Then she ask again
“Mirror, mirror, on the well, Who am I?”
“Who are you, image before me?”
If only she could get her answer just like the evil queen does in snow white.
She guessed she wasn't evil but if only it could answer this once.
“WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?” Her mind asked back and She answered—” I am different, that's why I am unique. She smiles.