When we are asked by a person—”When is it best to die?”
Almost time our response is: “Till I live a fulfilled life”
Then I ask:
When do one really live in fulfillment?
Does death wait upon us, till we live to our contentment?
Mr death is one inevitable visitor everyone never wishes to come knocking at one's door. It comes right at that moment when we least expect; in the quest for the soul and mind you, it never gives one time to think or negotiate. It comes forcefully and snatch life out of oneself.
It reminds me of a blog post of an ambitious girl living an unfulfilled life by Mrs Profresh I once read.
She was a girl in pursuit of her dream in the fashion world but life doesn't always go the way we planned it. Being a girl with vision, she got a job at a popular oil and gas company. It paid her bill. She had a well-to-do life yet she was unhappy— she felt like it wasn't where she belonged regardless of the bountiful salary.
Most of us live just like the ambitious girl. We live without complete freedom to our true dreams and goals. Forgetting the pursuit of our passion, letting the world decide for us just because it offers a living.
A lady in a sick bed, on the verge of death said “ if I was given a second chance, I would do the things I really wanted for myself and not what they wanted of me”
No one knows when death will come knocking. Why then do you live a life to the terms of others?
Why live this limited existence reckless without self purpose?
You know what?
That is how each day should be lived, as our every last.
It is one thing to be alive and another to live a fulfilling life. If you were to die in this instance, would you beat your chest without regrets?
A foolish man is one who thinks that he has all the time in the world.
Death is one talk we humans never wish to speak of, but when one understands that life is not eternal, then one would live each day worthy enough of their existence.
Death will surely come unexpectedly but live a fulfilled one before it sure comes.